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Become a Member

Become a Mentor!

 Mentor: (n.) an experienced and trusted adviser

Regional English Language Office at U.S. Embassy Cairo and Nile TESOL Association


Program Description

The Regional English Language Office (RELO) at the U.S. Embassy in Cairo and NileTESOL are organizing the third annual Mentor Training in which participants will learn how to mentor teachers who work in remote parts of Egypt.  U.S. Department of State English Language Specialist Vivian Leskes, an expert in language education, mentoring and professional development, will facilitate these sessions.

From January 22 to February 2, 2018, participants will develop an understanding of the importance and potential of mentoring for the development and growth of all educators and practice using appropriate mentoring tools and skills.  They will also discuss strategies for successfully working in their governorate.

Through this program, participants will enhance their ability to:

  • assess lesson plans, syllabi, and curricula
  • provide constructive feedback
  • encourage reflection on teaching and learning
  • mentor teachers in developing critical thinking, reading, and writing skills
  • help teachers to facilitate student learning
  • develop teachers’ support networks

Following the professional development, participants will be expected to mentor colleagues in their own communities for at least one year during which they will receive feedback and incentives.

The deadline to apply is November 25, 2017.

Criteria for selection and other details are available on the program flyer 

More information and the application can be located at this link.