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Testing and Assessment (TEASIG)

The Testing, Evaluation, and Assessment (TEA) SIG special is open to language professionals who have an interest in issues pertaining to language testing and assessment. Our potential target audience includes:

    • Β Language teachers in public and private schools
    • Language teacher educators
    • Language instructors in higher education
    • Language professionals in non-academic settings
    • Assessment policy makers in the Ministry of Education
  • Test developers and

Given the wide range of practitioners targeted by this special interest group (SIG), it is envisioned that this community will be involved in a number of assessment-related activities. For example, TEA SIG is planning to embark on a number of outreach activities for language teachers and professionals. One of these activities is a pre-conference workshop as part of the NileTESOL convention where topics of interest will be discussed. In addition, the TEA SIG is in the process of developing a website where assessment materials will be uploaded and consequently teachers can have access to these materials. Furthermore, a mailing list and a number of social media tools for the TEA SIG have been created in order to help this growing community of professionals to connect and share experiences.Β  The founders of the TEA SIG are aspiring to bring assessment experts in Egypt together in order to be able to provide consultancies to both public and private organizations.

Here is also a link to the assessment literacy training which the TEA SIG has been involved in since 2013:

SIG Leaders

Mona Mersal

Mostafa Youssef