See information on how to join and start a new NileTESOL SIG HERE
NileTESOL Special Interest Groups (SIGs)
The NileTESOL Special Interest Groups (SIGs) are the lifeblood of NileTESOL. They are NileTESOL tool to empower the teachers all over the country. Together, these groups provide the means to ensure greater participation of individual membership in our professional organization. SIG activities are planned by SIG members for SIG members.
SIG Objectives
As microcosms of NileTESOL, the SIGs adhere to the goals of the association as identified in the Constitution:
· provide a professional forum for discussing and debating issues related to the teaching and learning of English and in English;
· provide opportunities for professional development to the members of the association and the profession-at-large keeping them up-to-date with the latest developments in the field.
· provide opportunities for professional service and leadership development within the ELT community.
· contribute to the continuous improvement of standards of teaching of English and teaching in English
SIG Membership
SIGs are formed around particular education levels: Elementary Lang. Education, Secondary Lang. Education, Adult Lang. Education, and Higher Lang. Education or around particular teaching related areas: multimedia&CALL – pronunciation- special education – content based instruction – writing, and others.
- SIG members must be NileTESOL members.
- SIG membership is free and included in NileTESOL membership.
NileTESOL Special Interest Groups
Learning Technologies (LT) SIG
Testing and Assessment (TEA) SIG
Teaching English to Young Learners (TEYL) SIG
Become a member of a NileTESOL SIG. Click HERE to join now!
If you feel a new SIG theme would be appropriate for the members of NileTESOL and would like to create a new SIG, contact the NileTESOL SIG Committee Chair, Dr. Maha Hamed at:
For all NileTESOL events, the Photo and Video waiver apply!